Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Dark Underworld

Forest in Oregon
Growing up in a small logging town in Oregon in the 70's, I grew up with an appreciation for nature and an understanding of a dark underworld. With rivers, lakes, trails and mountains at my footsteps, I also was continually made aware of danger of going off trail or not trespassing on property.

Logging was the biggest cash crop on the books for our region, but everyone knew cannabis far outdid logging as a cash crop off the books. The citizens that lived outside the city tightly held onto their constitutional rights on property rights, right to bear arms and simply being left alone. A simple pull into the driveway to turn around often was met with the owner and a rifle watching your every move. My father who worked in the national forests in our area left with a pistol on those trips, he told us it was in case he came upon a surprise farm with booby traps.

Oregon is anticipating legalizing marijuana by 2016 and bringing the cultivation out of the black market and into a full legal industry. Colorado that went legal this year has shown to still have illegal marijuana plantations hidden the the forests, grown for an illegal distribution in neighboring states. Brian Vincente, co founder of the campaign to legalize marijuana in Colorado stated “I think the black market is already on its way out,” says Vicente. “This is all a process and until our country legalizes marijuana there is always going to be some incentive for people to bring marijuana from Colorado to, say, Nebraska. There were bootleggers after prohibition ended, for a little while, but not for long.”

This is from an anonymous writer contributing to OUTCO who grew up witnessing the black market of marijuana in Oregon in the 1970's.

Source for continuing black market in Colorado:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Indica and Sativa, what about Ruderalis?

Cannabis Species

Their are 3 predominant species of cannabis, Indica and Sativa that have been breed over generations to have a high THC content and predictable growing patterns, and Ruderalis, named after the German named “ruderal” meaning weeds by the roadside. Many in the cannabis growing community disregard the Ruderalis species, however it's high content of CBD as well as it's extremely fast growing time may come to be beneficial in the medical marijuana industry.

Ruderalis is thought to come from Sativa, having thin leaves much like the Sativa, but in contrast only growing a foot in height, while the Sativa is the tallest of the cannabis species. The origins are thought to be from Russian cannabis growers where the flowers that escaped outside the plantation seeded and started growing as volunteers. They adapted attributes to survive in the climate such as shorter in length and quicker growing time, losing the attributes that weren't helpful to survival such as high THC content. The ability for the ruderalis to flower without photo-activation makes it unique and necessary for the long days without sunlight in far north climates.

There are reasons to integrate the ruderalis species into the medical marijuana industry:
• Faster Growing time
• Humidity Resistant
• Auto Flowering (light not needed to flower)
• Intense light yields many trichomes leading to high amount of CBD
• Mold Resistant
• Drought Tolerant

Some Popular Cannabis strains have already utilized the Ruderalis species. Neville Schoenmaker, founder of Sensei Seeds, created Ruderalis Indica, Ruderalis Skunk and Four-Way, hybrids that were created in hopes of autoflowering. Sensei Seeds comments that the auto-flowering was not completely successful. Canadian Growers in British Columbia have cultivated the strain Mighty Mite for it's auto-flowering and quick growing, a popular ruderalis hybrid. A hybrid of Mighty Mite but more potent is Guerilla Gold which has a semi auto-flowering uniqueness. FIN-314, also known as Finola, is used for hemp cultivation and has a very low government acceptable THC amount and high in Cannabinoids.

A well known grower named the Joint Doctor took a Mexican Rudy known for it's auto-flowering and mixed it with a Northern Lights and a Williams Wonder to create the Lowryder strain. This popular Lowryder is used by many to create an auto-flowering strain that produces high THC. The auto-flowering is a recessive trait and therefore a consistent behavior of auto-flowering has yet to be achieved.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Differences Between Indica and Sativa Cannabis Strains

Differences Between Indica and Sativa

There are many choices to consider when selecting a strain of cannabis, and at OUTCO in San Diego, we have bud specialists to help find a strain for your treatment. One main category for cannabis is separating them into Indica or Sativa, and then hybrids that have the genetics of both. Indica and Sativa have some general differences that are accepted by cannabis connoisseurs:

• Originated in Higher altitudes
• Higher Yield per plant with shorter growing time
• Shorter and Fuller plants with broad leaves
• Fruity to Skunk Flavors
• Stronger Sedating
• Pain Relief
• Sleep Problems
• Migraines and Headaches
• Stress and Anxiety

• Originated close to the equator.
• Less of a Yield and longer growing time
• Grow taller with narrow leaves.
• From Fruity to Cat Piss Flavor
• More uplifting
• Depression
• Increases focus and creativity
• Stimulates and Energizes
• Uplifting and euphoric thoughts

A New Way of Categorizing Cannabis

Jeffrey Taber, who has a Ph.D in Chemistry, was the first to test terepenes in cannabis in 2011. He theorizes that the differences in cannabis are less in whether they are indica or sativa, but more in the different terepenes within the strain of cannabis. Terepenes are like the fingerprint to the plant, rather than the CBD, THC content or name given to the plant that may be found to have been miscategorized. Terepenes are the flavor and taste, but also introduce the multitudes of benefits and effects that vary from one strain to another.

Within each strain their will be different amounts of CBD or THC and also vary on taste and aroma from the different growing conditions. Each strain effects the patient differently depending on body chemistry. The way in which the strain is given to the patient as well will vary the effects, such as vape pen, bong, joint, edible etc.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering store, free delivery and accepting credit cards.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Yoda OG Strain at Outco

Now at OUTCO with Free Delivery over $40 and accepting credit cards.

Yoda OG

Type – Indica dominant

Taste – Citrus aroma

Appearance – Pale with orange hairs

Effects and Treatment – Heavy relaxation of mind and body to help with anxiety, insomnia and appetite. Mostly for nightime for its sedative effects, can cause dry mouth.

Origins – A derivative of the famous OG Kush

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Restless Leg Syndrome ( RLS ) and Treatment with Cannabis

Restless Leg Syndrome effects 10% of the population and is described as an urge to move the legs due to a feeling of itching, creepy crawly sensation and “pins and needles”. The cause of RLS is a disorder from the nervous system or lack of iron in the brain and effects most sufferers mostly in the evening and when at rest, leading for it to be a sleep disorder. (WebMD ) The majority of sufferers are 50 or over and a slow progressing RLS tends to be genetic, where as an abrupt onset tends to not be genetic.

Dr. Ewa Kozela has done research to show that marijuana from the study interleukin 17 (IL-17) helps to minimize inflammation within the nervous system. The Washington University has conducted a study that the theory behind a lack of iron leads to inflammation in the nervous system. (source)

High Times recommends White Berry as a good strain to treat Restless Leg Syndrome, known for its peaceful and soothing qualities. Medical Marijuana Strains mentions GrandDaddy Purple as a good strain for it's heavy relaxation that gives your eyes a heavy feeling.

Here are some links to patients that have seen promising results to marijuana for RLS: 

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Marijuana Antioxidant Benefits

Antioxidants are compounds naturally made by your body and acquired through diet to stop or slow the oxidation degeneration of cells in the body. An example would be a browning apple, the oxidation decomposes the cells. Many typically know that adding lemon juice to the apple as an antioxidant slows down the browning process. Cannabis has been shown to have powerful antioxidant properties.

The science behind the oxidation occurs with free radical damage in which paired electrons are unpaired making an atom or molecule unstable. The unstable molecule creates other molecules around it to become unstable as well, leading to a chain reaction of mutations and decomposition.

DNA as a result to the free radical damage gets broken apart and the body will repair the DNA successfully, or unsuccessful with a resulting mutation.

Antioxidants work in many ways to stop the chain reaction of damage, making it important to consume it in many forms and ways. Some antioxidants stop the damage before happening, while others stop the damage that is occurring. Cannabidiol (CBD) in Cannabis has been found to be 30-50% more effective than the antioxidants Vitamin C or E.

Cannabis, especially in the form of cannabidiol (CBD) is a powerful antioxidant that is an anti-inflammatory agent, and goes beyond to suppress the chemical that creates inflammation. Cannabidiol has been shown in tests to reduce tumor cells while not harming normal healthy cells. It has also been shown to have neuro-protective properties in which it stops damage in nerve cells. This protective barrier has results in reducing seizures in patients. Studies have shown that for brain injuries, cannabidiol repairs the nerve cells within the brain. Applied topically it has been found to stop the very contagious MRSA virus that has been very resistant to normal antibiotics.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Big Job of Closing Down Illegal Pot Shops in San Diego

San Diego City Hall

David Garrick from the Union Tribune in San Diego wrote an article about the difficulties faced with shutting down the over 100 illegal marijuana shops in San Diego in  New Tactic in Pot Shop Fight.

Garrick sites the resigned Mayer Bob Filner as adding to the over abundance of illegal pot shops when he relaxed zoning laws in 2003.  Councilman Ed Harris is demanding a review and action plan on shutting the dispensaries down.  With the illegal dispensaries running, it makes the ones that are taking the steps to be legal have a bigger battle.  Legal dispensaries will collect tax on product, adhere to zoning laws and other restrictions and be closely monitored to ensure safety and quality of medicine.  The illegal dispensaries not adhering to any law can cut costs to the consumer, allowing them to not pay tax.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Glassware Available at Outco

Pipes, Bub Chambers and necklaces available at OUTCO.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Terpenes in Cannabis

Terpenes are the single most reason that cannabis strains are different and unique. Terpenes account for the smell, flavor and effects of the cannabis. THC and Cannabanoids can differ from each strain, however they generally are the same amount and wouldn't bring the interest and glory to each variation for a slight change in percentage amount.

High Times in an article about terpenes talks about David Watson, who was behind hybrid Skunk #1, and his business partner Robert Connell Clarke who formed Hortapharm based in Holland. They had a theory that terpenes added to the potency of THC. They concluded through research that terpene infused resin with 50% THC was more potent than than 100% THC.

Their are over 20,000 variations of terpenes in plants that we eat daily, and about 200 found in cannabis. The main reasoning for the formation of terpenes in the plant world is to repel predators and encourage pollinators. This adds to the smell and tastes in foods and cannabis. Further studies of strains with more terpenes and less THC give the effect of THC without the anxiety that THC can cause. Extracting for oils can be difficult as it burns off faster than THC and other compounds.

Certain Terpenes offer medicinal benefits, and here are a few:
Nerolidol - Helps with skin penetration and is s sedative, an important one in lotions
Beta-caryophyllene - Good for ulcers and anti inflammation in the intestinal tract.
Linalool - Helps with anxiety and stress, as a lotion helps with burns and acne.
Limonene – Antibacterial, a mood lifter, and helps with heartburn and gastro reflux.
Myrcene - Is a Muscle relaxant, pain killer and sedative.
Alpha-pinene - Most commonly found in cannabis, improves memory, asthma and alertness.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Outliers Collective is now open for DELIVERY!

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Better Than Yours, or BTY OG Kush originated from Southern California Patients Association. One hundred percent Indica, it is mostly a green and tan color with sticky tapered buds dense with trichomes and hairs.

Known for it's high THC levels measuring up to 28%, this is for experienced patients leaving a long lasting effect. Fast acting and at a deep level of intensity that maintains. Patients describe BTY OG Kush as treating chronic nerve pain, severe muscle injuries, nausea and giving increased appetite. Taste has a spearmint taste with a toasted rice finish.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Cannabis as a Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetics can have many reasons to use cannabis as a way to reduce diabetes related problems. Here is a bullet point list of the problems that diabetics face and how marijuana can help from

• Increases Blood Flow to Extremities - Cannabis inhibits the overproduction of prostoglandins, a hormone that dilates and constricts blood flow. Cannabis is a vasodialator that helps blood flow. Marijuana is a powerful antioxidant which helps decrease free radical damage and helps inflammation. For these reasons it allows cannabis to be a great treatment for arterial inflammation, common in diabetics. Topical creams on the extremities can help with instant relief.

• Over Time Reduces Blood Pressure – This is in conjunction with the previous from being a vasodialator. If cooking butter and oil is replaced with Cannabis oil and butter, the saturated fats from the old method of cooking will be eliminated and replaced with essential fatty acids.

• Muscle Cramps and Gastro Intestinal Upset – Many diabetics have these symptoms which are helped by cannabis for its ability to be neuroprotective. Cannabis helps the nerve covering from inflammation. Cannibidiol form of cannabis is best known for counteracting spasms.

• Blood Sugar Levels - One problem with research on cannabis is the criminalization of the drug that inhibits proper research to find if a treatment is conclusive or not. Sugar level may be regulated through cannabis from a reduction in Catecholamines. This is a hormone from the adrenal gland that produces epinephrine ( adrenalin ), norepinephrine and dopamine from emotional stress. Cannabis cookies can be used if in moderation to help control blood sugar levels.

• Restless Leg Syndrome RLS – Many diabetics suffer from restless leg syndrome and the cramping of the muscles that may be a result from the nervous system can be reduced by Cannabis in the way it controls the prostoglandins to relax muscles and it's neuroprotective properties. Using a nightime vapor or smoking before sleeping can reduce the symptoms, with the strains of Oregon 90, Lemon Haze, and White Berry being the best.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Only 36 Legal Marijuana Dispensaries Allowed in the city of San Diego

Legal License to Dispense and Grow Medical Marijuana in San Diego

With the regulations approved by the City Council, only 36 Legal Medical Marijuana Collectives will be allowed in the city. Up and running before this law was administered, OUTCO on 8157 Wing Ave El Cajon, CA 92020. They started the footwork a long time back, wanting to secure a legal way of doing business so they could compassionately take care of their patients in a respectful way.

57 illegal dispensaries are targeted by the City Attorney, however shows more than 300 illegal dispensaries in the San Diego area. Many that have been shut down by the city simply open up a block away. The legal permits will allow for dispensaries to stay open and stay in one place.

OUTCO was established to take care of the vast community in San Diego that suffer from many illnesses that treatment from marijuana can offer. Cannabis has studies that show it can reduce glaucoma, help with lung function, help control epilepsy, stop cancer from spreading, decrease anxiety, slow Alzheimers Disease, reduce muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis to name a few medical purposes.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.  They have been open since July 1, 2014.

New Strains at Outco

Brute OG

Type – Indica

Taste – Stong citrus, gas and pine scent

Appearance – Tight and dense bud with yellow orange hairs and sticky white crystals.

Effects and Treatment – Very fast acting and strong, use only at end of the day. Patients describe Brute OG to treat severe pain, muscle tension and insomnia.

Origins – Described as a cross between Private Reserve and Skywalker OG

Organic Sour Diesel (Sour D)

Type – Sativa

Taste – Known to have a strong diesel gas scent

Appearance – Grows Tall with thin buds, having orange hairs

Effects and Treatment – Fast acting givnig cerebral effects that leave patients energized that lasts long. Patients use this to treat from stress, anxiety, pain and depression. Gives a dreamy uplifting experience.

Origins – Sour Diesel is a cross between 91 Chemdawg and Northern Lights. Some confuse it with NYC Diesel.

Holy Grail OG

Type – Indica dominant

Taste – spicy citrus kush smell and taste

Appearance – Large dense buds

Effects and Treatment – High THC concentration but known for a mellow relaxation. Patients describe it as helping with creativity and a eupohoric feeling to help with stress, pain, depression, insomnia and appetite.

Origins – DNA Genetics and Reserva Privada Colorado created

Yoda OG

Type – Indica dominant

Taste – Citrus aroma

Appearance – Pale with orange hairs

Effects and Treatment – Heavy relaxation of mind and body to help with anxiety, insomnia and appetite. Mostly for nightime for its sedative effects, can cause dry mouth.

Origins – A derivative of the famous OG Kush

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Hypocrisy of Marijuana as a Schedule 1 Drug

Cannabis, or Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug, along with ecstasy, heroin, and LSD. The definition of a schedule 1 drug is that it is dangerous and has no foreseen medical use with a high abuse rate. The government of the United States who applied this category also holds a patent ( US6630507 B1 ) for Cannabis as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant. By their very own definition, the classification of marijuana is not correct.

People have been found to have died from overdoses of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, but so far not one reported case of cannabis. Cannabis has been found to reduce cancer tumors, help treat diabetes, restlessleg syndrome, symptoms of schizophrenia, Parkinson's, Glaucoma, Celiac Disease,  help with pain and nausea and improve cardiovascular function.

Sanjay Gupta recently aired a documentary on CNN called “WEED” where he speaks of the benefits, and this video sums up real quickly the hypocrisy of cannabis.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Tangie Sativa Strain at Outliers Collective

Tangie Sativa Hybrid

Created by DNA Genetics of Amsterdam, the Tangie is is a sativa hybrid of a California Orange (Cali-o) crossed with a Skunk Hybrid and not to be confused with “The Tange”. Tangie is the winner of the Denver Cannabis Cup of 2013. It is known for it's citrus orange aroma and flavor known for it's euphoric, relaxing, focused and creative effects. Patients review it as helping to reduce stress, relax and stay focused.

This plant is best grown outside in soil to get the full quality. The appearance has sticky buds and grows tall with a pine tree look.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

San Diego's Comic-Con, Welcome Creativity

San Diego's Comic Con and the Creative Mind with Cannabis

As a person that worked in the video game industry, I loved going to San Diego's Comic Con for the people watching, but most importantly the talented artists. Going down the aisles of the convention center it was daunting how much work went into the amazing detail and imagination of the comics and displays.

Let me tell you how a typical day at a video game company went. People roll in at 10am – closer to 11. At noon of course was lunch, and why not go to the gym while your at it... make it a two hour lunch. Followed by a sleepy afternoon from the big lunch. But wait a minute, 4:20 rolled around. Empty; the office was empty. 4:40 – 8pm? Perfection. Much of the work got accomplished at this time. Why? The mind needed to be relaxed and opened to imagination and discovery.

Now not all workers were driven by marijuana, but from what I could see, many needed a way to stop the analytical mind and open the artistic mind. To sit at a desk can be boring, but not when the mind is active with many ideas and thoughts the time flies by with great exploration and development.

Marijuana has been known by many artists to allow open creativity, increased pattern recognition, and insight. Jonah Lehrer in “Psychiatry Research” states that Marijuana does a hyper-priming to allow the brain to make association patterns with things that are further apart. In layman's terms, it allows a musician or an artist to get rid of the writers block and allow the brain to explore and make connections that may not have been seen when it was more analytical.

The United States is at the forefront of imagination in movies, games and technology gadgets. Comic Con attracts this treasure in our society of new ideas, detail to the non analytical brain and beauty of the open mind. San Diego is so fortunate to host such a wonderful convention.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

By an Anonymous Artist that worked for 12 years in the video game industry, making Xbox and PS2 games for a major company

Friday, August 8, 2014

What is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

When Cannabis is dried and then heated it does a chemical reaction that turns it into Tetrahyrocannabinol popularly known as THC. In this form, it becomes a narcotic psychoactive drug that is used primarily as a pain killer. The visual look is a clear water like solid (white) that when warmed up is sticky.

THC is well known to aid in increased appetite and reduce nausea. It stimulates the hypothalamus by CB1 activity to give interest to food as well as the ghrelin hormones that are in the gastronomical tract that induces the feeling of hunger. This affect helps cancer and AIDS survivors to gain an appetite.

THC has shown very good results in helping with multiple sclerosis symptoms. Studies have shown that especially oral cannabis, and good findings of THC help to reduce rigid or stiff muscles also known as spastic muscles, in reducing pain and spasms, and bladder dysfunction.

With marijuana is criminalized in many places, there is a lack of research and studies for possible more cures due to the legality of it. Studies for Parkinson's, Huntington, Alzheimer's diseases as well as Tourette's syndrome, Cervical Dystonia, and Epilepsy all have inconclusive results from studies from the lack of ability to do research.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.


The Benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol CBD

Cannabis strains offer different amounts of Cannabidiol (CBD) doesn't affect the mind or psycho activity which is caused by the Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) in cannabis. Cannabidiol has the widest use for medical applications than any other form of cannabis. As a strong antioxidant being the major reason for it's benefits, Cannabidiol CBD has been used in studies to research treatment and cures.

Some of the medical applications are a US drug known as Epidiolex to treat the Dravet Syndrome, a type of Epilepsy starting at about 6 months of age that triggers seizures from fever or hot temperatures. It also helps with blood flow to extremeties, or anti- ischemic problems, which effect many people notably diabetics. Great results have been found with schizophrenia and seizures in it's ability to disrupt or stabilize the NMDA receptors in the brain which can over excite and kill nerve cells.

An 8 month old baby showed to have an inoperable brain tumor and the parents were desperate for a cure, open to any method. Under Dr. William Courtney's care the father gave a pacifier to the baby with Cannabinoid Oil CBD on the pacifier twice daily, increasing the dosage. The first two months showed the greatest improvement, with the tumor gone by 8 months.

Tumors have shown through studies to be reduced with Cannabidiol CBD. Studies have shown that Cannabidiol disrupt and halt the genes that lead to blood vessel growth in tumors by producing a chemical called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, or VEGF. What happens is that Cannabidiol produce ceramides, and ceramides manage the cell death.

Cannabidiol CBD applied topically has been shown to stop the MRSA Virus that is hard to stop through normal anti-biotics.

Cannabidiol CBD is also an anti-depressant. It can aid in controlling anxiety, which helps with social situations and isolation problems. It helps reduce the activity of the limbic system, a part of the brain that deals with emotion.

Animal studies show favorable results with help for Parkinson Disease, however human studies are inconclusive. Problems found with Cannabidiol is that if taken orally it triggers the sebum, the gland that makes oil in the skin to overproduce leading to acne.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

OUTCO now sells Blue Dream Sativa

Blue Dream is a popular sativa dominant that came from California from a Blueberry Indica and a Sativa Haze. Patients describe the treatment as a gradual and gentle feeling of euphoria that a sativa gives with an overall body relaxation like a indica, without heavy sedation. Patients describe blue dream to treat pain, depression, nausea, stomach and back pain.

The smell is a berry aroma with a look of long tan hairs. Blue Dream is quick acting leaving you functional for a long lasting cerebral effect, but unlike indica varieties, not leaving you incapacitated.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

House of Representatives Vote and Pass a Stop to the Federal Persecutions for Medical Marijuana

Though each state is deciding how they want to govern the use of medical marijuana, a dark cloud of the Federal Government has stood in the way of making the laws fully legal and bound. On May 1, 2014 a vote was passed by the House of Representatives to not allow Federal persecutions where states have passed laws to allow medical marijuana. This vote now stands in the upcoming months to pass the Senate vote to be put into law.

California Representative Dana Rohrabacher on the house floor stated, “Some people are suffering, and if a doctor feels that he needs to prescribe something to alleviate that suffering, it is immoral for this government to get in the way.”

Overwhelmingly the Democratic party has favored the stop to federal regulation with the Republican Party hard to coerce. Federal government currently is active in regulating marijuana, a criminal trial with 3 Washington medical marijuana growers , moves to shut down some of the nation’s largest dispensaries in Berkeley and Oakland, and others that are sitting in jail for earlier prosecutions. One of the lead government people against the legalization is DEA Administrator Leonhart.

Twenty-Two states now allow the use of medical marijuana with many more about to approve. Two states have passed laws allowing the recreational use, Colorado and Washington. Another 10 states for the use of cannabidiol CBD that has been shown to be effective in treating children’s seizures and other conditions, according to the Drug Policy Alliance. Two amendments also passed to take away funds for the Federal government to intervene for research and cultivation in hemp.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Bubba Kush Strain - History and Effects

Bubba Kush

Bubba Kush, also known as P-98 or Pre-98 Bubba Kush, is a cannabis strain with it's name originating from the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan that also goes into Pakistan. Kush is an indica strain that was brought to America in 1970 and revered for its quality. Kush is also called OG standing for “original” since there are many knock-offs.

Bubba originates from a well known grower named Bubba in the Denver area that through cloning created a short stumpy and thick strain of cannabis he named Bubba. With the Kush tall and lanky appearance, the two compliment each other as a hybrid to get the best of the Kush and the Bubba.

Bubba the grower had a friend by the name of Josh D that hermaphrodited and pollinated the two making the famous strain. Josh being a friend of the popular band Cypress Hill proliferated the strain into a very popular strain for socialites and the rap community. Known for the glazed over haze look that users have using bubba kush, in 2009, Representative Mark Kirk (R-IL) tried to pass a bill to outlaw the Kush strain, the bill failed.

Great for relaxing your mind and body after a long day, Bubba Kush can increase appetite, give relief minor pain and increase bowel movements. Bubba Kush is light green with great trichome heads. The taste is earthy, tangy and sweet with a coffee taste undertone that feels smooth and has a minty aftertaste. Most describe the effects of Bubba Kush as being cognitive but glazed, giving a massaging and relaxation sensation that is warming to the body and mind.

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Standing Out

Outliers Collective opened their doors on July 1st 2014 and became the only legal medical marijuana dispensary in San Diego. Located in El Cajon, at 8157 Wing Ave, they secured a legal license to sell and cultivate marijuana in San Diego, at this time it is one of a kind.

Facing the need in the community for a safe and secure way of handling cannabis medication, OUTCO is able to cultivate on site and deliver to their patients. This is unique in that legally licensed dispensaries in Los Angeles are not able to cultivate.

On March 11, 2014 the San Diego City Council approved zoning laws with operation restrictions for medical marijuana dispensaries. Legally licensed dispensaries need to:
  • Be 1000 feet from parks, churches, child care centers, playgrounds, residential care, schools and other dispensaries.
  • Be 100 feet from residential zoning.
  • Get a conditional-use permit
  • Obtain an annual public safety permit through the police department
  • Have no more than 4 dispensaries in any district
OUTCO has secured all provisions in the drive to have compassion and reliability to it's patients. Many dispensaries have moved or closed down to not adhering to regulations. OUTCO has taken the steps to stay open and be permanent.

OUTCO allows patients to sign up for free membership online.  It also allows for online ordering to save time. Delivery is available to allow for patients to have easy accessibility, free for purchases over $40. Debit cards are accepted for members convenience. OUTCO's future is to serve quality medicine at affordable prices with compassion.

Vape Juices at OUTCO

Vape Juice
OUTCO's amber vape juice is made with CO2 extracted amber glass dissolved in it's own terpenes. Each ampule contains 400mg of active THC.

Here is a list of Vape Juices that OUTCO may be carrying.  Click on the link for availability and ordering:



OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

OUTCO Grand Opening

On August 2nd, OUTCO hosted their Grand Opening to the San Diego community in El Cajon. Refreshing rain helped quell the heat as many patrons came to support the only legally licensed dispensary in San Diego.  Many newcomers came and signed up for free to become members. Sign ups for membership came with a free tank top, Bubba Kush Roll and a raffle drawing for its patrons. OUTCO hosted Taquizas El Unico tacos along with apparel from and 619 Clothing.
Outliers Collective - Only Legally licensed Dispensary in San Diego County

OUTCO is San Diego's only legally licensed medical marijuana dispensary offering FREE Delivery and Accepting Debit Cards.