Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cannabis Effecting Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

The case of the “Munchies” would lead one to think that it leads to obesity, but in fact on average it reduces obesity by one third.(Source) Though the caloric intake may be more caused with the munchies, cannabis reacts with the metabolization of carbohydrates and regulation of insulin to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes.

"The most important finding is that current users of marijuana appeared to have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers," says Murray Mittleman, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "Their fasting insulin levels were lower, and they appeared to be less resistant to the insulin produced by their body to maintain a normal blood-sugar level."

Fasting insulin levels from the study were sixteen percent lower and 17% lower in insulin resistance. These two factors are increased with type II diabetes. (Source)

Research has yet to understand why this is occurring and some theories that haven't been proven have been offered:
  • Marijuana is a replacement for food for some users
  • Other active parts of the cannabis plant like cannabidiol may interact with the brain receptors to help manage the metabolism and regulate eating.
  • Regular use of cannabis may dull the receptors and have them not react too strong to wanting to increase appetite over time.
One drug that has been taken off the market because of the side effects of causing increased suicide may offer an answer to the reason why the appetite is controlled through cannabis. The drug Rimonabant used as a weight loss drug targeted the same brain receptor (CB1) that cannabis does. It's effect made a lower drop in fasting insulin levels by lowering the receptors signaling. (Source)


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