Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cannabis as a Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetics can have many reasons to use cannabis as a way to reduce diabetes related problems. Here is a bullet point list of the problems that diabetics face and how marijuana can help from

• Increases Blood Flow to Extremities - Cannabis inhibits the overproduction of prostoglandins, a hormone that dilates and constricts blood flow. Cannabis is a vasodialator that helps blood flow. Marijuana is a powerful antioxidant which helps decrease free radical damage and helps inflammation. For these reasons it allows cannabis to be a great treatment for arterial inflammation, common in diabetics. Topical creams on the extremities can help with instant relief.

• Over Time Reduces Blood Pressure – This is in conjunction with the previous from being a vasodialator. If cooking butter and oil is replaced with Cannabis oil and butter, the saturated fats from the old method of cooking will be eliminated and replaced with essential fatty acids.

• Muscle Cramps and Gastro Intestinal Upset – Many diabetics have these symptoms which are helped by cannabis for its ability to be neuroprotective. Cannabis helps the nerve covering from inflammation. Cannibidiol form of cannabis is best known for counteracting spasms.

• Blood Sugar Levels - One problem with research on cannabis is the criminalization of the drug that inhibits proper research to find if a treatment is conclusive or not. Sugar level may be regulated through cannabis from a reduction in Catecholamines. This is a hormone from the adrenal gland that produces epinephrine ( adrenalin ), norepinephrine and dopamine from emotional stress. Cannabis cookies can be used if in moderation to help control blood sugar levels.

• Restless Leg Syndrome RLS – Many diabetics suffer from restless leg syndrome and the cramping of the muscles that may be a result from the nervous system can be reduced by Cannabis in the way it controls the prostoglandins to relax muscles and it's neuroprotective properties. Using a nightime vapor or smoking before sleeping can reduce the symptoms, with the strains of Oregon 90, Lemon Haze, and White Berry being the best.

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